About Emily

Rowan Alexandra - 3-19-09 041

My passion for health and fitness began in 2006 when I was eating a huge Mexican dinner for my 23rd birthday… At 5 ft tall and 135 lbs, I felt disgusted with myself after polishing off a large restaurant meal (that was realistically enough food for at least 2 people!). After leaving the restaurant, I turned to my boyfriend (who is now my husband) and told him that I knew I needed to make a change. From that day forward, I was determined to eat better and exercise.

Fast forward to 2007…after a year of healthy food choices and regular exercise, I was 30 lbs lighter and had become a certified Spinning instructor.

I currently live in Massachusetts and work for a healthy food company. And, I became a mommy in March 2009! But, unfortunately, I no longer have the time to spend at the gym. However, that hasn’t stopped me from being active and continuing to make healthy choices when it comes to my meals. I make use of small dumbells, exercise videos, outdoor walks/runs, and my Spinning bike. I am striving to stay fit and healthy not only for my well-being, but also to set a good example for my daughter as she grows up.

17 responses to “About Emily

  1. Hi there! Great blog! Looks like we had our children only a day apart. Look forward to keeping in touch with you. I also get to work from home – aren’t we just lucky? Hope you are well. I’ve added you to my blogroll…

  2. Hey, I love your blog! I also have kids so I’m excited to see how you live your life!


  3. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I can’t wait to continue reading yours.
    Congrats on being a mommy!

  4. Hey Emily! Thanks for checking out my blog… we seem to have a lot in common!

    I’m moving to Greeley in August which is about a half hour from Fort Collins.

    • healthyfitmama

      Awesome! That is a great area. I’m down in CO Springs.

      I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog!

  5. this is a great blog…I am adding you to my blogroll if you dont mind!

  6. Hey there! Followed you here from a comment, I’m on the look out for other mamas, glad to have found yours! 🙂

  7. Beautiful picture! Great job on staying active after having the baby. Exercising after having a baby can be quite the challenge, but it’s so important. I saw that you are doing the 30 Day Shred. I have also started to incorporate it into my exercise program. I like being able to get in an intense workout while my toddler is napping.

  8. angiesappetite

    Just found your blog! Love to read how you fit working out into your busy work and home life…can’t wait to read more.

  9. Hi Emily,
    Just found your blog and I look foward to reading more! I’m so impressed with your post baby workouts!

  10. I am so happy to find you and your blog! I am struggling with fitting everything in (see current post!) and I am anxious to read about how you do it!

  11. Pingback: Journey to Healthy Fit Mama-hood « Healthy Fit Mama

  12. I am really enjoying your blog! Your story sounds a lot like mine. I need to get back into a fitness routine though, maybe I’ll try out the last chace workout DVD since you’ve mentioned it.

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