Wiped Out!

We were able to take full advantage of the sunshine this morning with a 1 hour and 15 minute hike. It was hot out in the sun, but it felt good. I carried the baby on the way up (hellooo legs!) and hubby carried her on the way back down. I wish I had brought my camera with me – the views of Pikes Peak are amazing!

After our hike, I put together a quick lunch – turkey, spinach, and mustard on a whole wheat wrap with a little bowl of apple, kiwi, and blueberries with a splash of OJ. The orange juice was really a nice touch to my little fruit salad!

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I had to run out to do a few errands and, since it was such a nice day, I thought a decaf iced Americano from Starbucks was in order. Refreshing! 🙂

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I also picked up a Larabar since they were on sale for 99 cents. I had half of a banana bread bar (I always share with my husband). Oh my GOODNESS! Sooooo yummy! It really did taste like a piece of banana bread. I would definitely buy this again!

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Other snacks this afternoon included a small banana, a little bowl of Fiber One with almond milk, and a few carrots with some hummus.

I was totally wiped out this afternoon from hiking in the heat. I really had no motivation to do the Shred. But then I remembered that I declared on my blog for the world (or the few of you who read this) to see that I was committed to doing 30 days in a row. So after a brief nap, I picked myself up off the couch and got down to business with Jillian Michaels.

After my workout, I put together a nice little dinner. I made a spinach salad with red onion, carrots, and tomatoes. I tried a new dressing tonight – Annie’s Tuscany Italian. It had a great taste to it. It’s pretty thick so you don’t need much. I poured just a little bit onto my salad and mixed it up to coat the spinach. Yum!

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For the main course, I sprinkled some Italian seasoning, garlic salt, and pepper on some chicken breasts and baked them in the oven. On the side I cooked a spaghetti squash and mixed in some tomato sauce. It hit the spot tonight!

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I love spaghetti squash! It’s such a great alternative to heavy pasta. It’s also great on its own as a side dish. It’s so filling and is very low-cal – only 50 calories per cup!

Another work week coming up… Why is it that the weekends go by so much faster than the work weeks??

I participated in Megan’ssecret bloggie swap, so I’m looking forward to getting my bloggie package this week! What are you looking forward to this week??

4 responses to “Wiped Out!

  1. Larabars for .99?? I hope you stocked up! 😉

  2. hi…your baked chicken looks great…what temp. do you cook it on in the oven, and for how long? do you flip it over? thanks! april

    • Hi April! I cook my chicken in a glass baking dish at 425 for about 35-40 minutes. Oven cooking temps and times vary though so definitely keep an eye on it while it’s cooking.

  3. I just realized you were in Colorado Springs – LOVE that area! So much natural beauty!! I need to try that Lara, I’ve heard only rave reviews about it 🙂

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