Tag Archives: Stevia

Oh-oh-overnight Oats!

Just popping in quickly to share my overnight oats success! 🙂

Over the past couple months, I’ve dabbled with overnight oats. I first tried them out of taste and texture curiosity. But now, when I make them, it’s more for time-saving reasons. The other few times that I’ve made overnight oats, I’ve used regular plain yogurt. While the oats weren’t horrible, they weren’t fabulous. It left me wondering what all the hype was about. They were just ok.

Well – I think I’ve found the secret. You must, must, must use Greek yogurt!!

Knowing I was getting up early this morning for a workout, I prepped my breakfast last night. Into the bowl went:

  • 1 mashed banana
  • 1/2 cup of old fashioned oats
  • 1/2 cup of almond milk
  • 1 container of plain Oikos [I typically buy Chobani, but I had a store coupon for Oikos. I forgot how amazingly creamy Oikos is! It’s a shame it’s so much more expensive…]
  • 1 tbs of raisins
  • cinnamon
  • vanilla
  • 1 packet of stevia
  • 2 tbs of walnuts (added in the morning)

It may not look very pretty, but it tasted phenomenal!

 This was so creamy and delicious! I didn’t heat it up at all; just ate it right out of the fridge. I was trying my hardest not to inhale the whole bowl all at once! I highly recommend this combo, if you haven’t tried it.

I do have a little confession though – I ate my breakfast in the bathroom, by the sink, while I put on my makeup! Always multi-tasking!

What’s the “craziest” thing you’ve done recently in the name of multi-tasking? (Hopefully you don’t say something that was unsafe… ;-))


Hey everyone! It’s been a crazy week…crazy in a bad way at work. 😦 But, I received a sweet little package to cheer me up! 🙂

The nice folks at PureVia sent me this fabulous travel coffee mug along with a sample box of their stevia packets.

Stevia is an all-natural, no-calorie alternative to sugar and other artificial sweetners. Here’s some great facts from the PureVia site:

Some Sweet Facts About PureVia

  • It has zero calories.
  • It’s made from the sweetest extract of the stevia leaf.
  • It uses only natural ingredients.
  • Our stevia extract is 97% pure Reb A.
  • Each PureVia sachet sweetens like two teaspoons of sugar.
  • PureVia is suitable for people with diabetes.
  • It’s Certified Kosher Parve.
  • PureVia is not genetically modified.

I’ve been using one packet of PureVia each morning in my coffee. It adds the perfect amount of sweetness and, unlike some other stevia brands I’ve tried, it doesn’t have a bitter aftertaste.

I’ve also used it in my Greek yogurt and it blends right in. It doesn’t make my yogurt gritty at all. It dissolves and doesn’t leave my yogurt tasting “fake.”

Not only do I love the taste of PureVia, but I love that it is derived from a natural herb that has been used as a sweetener for hundreds of years in South America.

Thanks again, PureVia!

PB is Key!

Hey everyone! Sorry to have been MIA for a whole week. Totally unintentional. I wish I could say that I’ve been up to something exciting…

It’s been no secret on this blog that Mama has a BIG appetite! Especially when it comes to breakfast. I’m notorious for slamming 500+ calories in the morning and still being hungry a couple hours later. I think I have finally found the key to staying full through the morning – PB!! Adding peanut butter to my oats in the morning keeps me full for hours – which is great for extremely busy workdays when there isn’t much time to eat.

This morning, I had the most amazing bowl of oat bran:

  • 1/3 cup of oat bran
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 mashed banana
  • vanilla
  • cinnamon
  • raisins
  • 1 tbs of PB

Check out that amazing PB drizzle!!

Trader Joe’s PB is the best for drizzling!

Per usual, this ginormous bowl of oats was eaten along side a plate of eggs (1/2 cup of egg whites + 1 whole egg). Holy full tummy!!

I didn’t dig into my lunch bag until about noon time today. That’s 6 hours of fullness. Incredible!

I neglected to photograph my packed work lunch… Throughout the afternoon, I had the following:

  • protein shake (1/2 cup of unsweetened soy milk + 2 tbs of Nutribiotic vanilla rice protein powder)
  • deli chicken wrap with light mayo
  • teeny, tiny apple
  • a few almonds
  • plain Chobani mixed with stevia and cocoa powder

I also packed some Trader Joe’s low sodium minestrone, but I never got around to eating it.

When I got home from work, though, the hunger started to set in. I munched on some mushrooms and roasted garlic hummus while I prepped dinner.

baked tofu, peppers, onions, and mushrooms all coated with Trader Joe's sesame soy ginger vinaigrette

Tonight’s exercise was Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout. Have you bought this video yet??? You should! It’s the most kick-butt at-home workout I’ve ever done. You definitely get some bang for your buck!

I wish I had taken a picture of my evening, post-exercise snack. It was delish!! 1/2 cup of non-fat yogurt mixed with cocoa powder and stevia (I’m hooked on chocolatey yogurt!!), and about 1/2 cup of frozen cherries. I will definitely be having this again in the near future!


Have you checked out my Opensky Store yet?? I recently added apple pie Larabars! YUMMY! 😉

Chocolate for Breakfast!

Hey everyone! I don’t have a particularly interesting topic today… Just a run down of the day’s eats and exercise.

So who says you can’t have chocolate for breakfast?! I started my day in a sweet way with this beautiful bowl:

plain Chobani mixed with stevia and cocoa powder, with banana and peanut butter

I promptly stirred this all together and it was AMAZING! Mmmmm! I need to have my greek yogurt at breakfast more often.

To make my breakfast even more protein packed, I also had a side of eggs – 1/2 cup of egg whites + 1 whole egg to be exact.

Since I’m still fairly new at my job, I feel weird about taking pictures of my lunch and snacks during the day. So I photographed everything together this morning before I left the house.

Friday’s have become my almond butter and jelly day. I look forward to it all week! Today’s sandwich was almond butter with Trader Joe’s cranberry apple butter on a whole wheat sandwich thin. Awww yeah! 😀

Dinner was pretty simple. Typical end of the week meal…not too many ingredients left in the kitchen.

grilled chicken and microwaved sweet potato

I got a little impatient, so the sweet potato was quite cooked enough. Oh well – still tasted good!

Tonight’s exercise was Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout. I have never loved and hated a workout so much in my life! 55 minutes of Jillian is tough. She gets results though!

Speaking of Jillian Michaels, have you heard of her new line of diet pills?? I must admit I have lost some respect for her as a health and fitness professional. How can you advocate a healthy lifestyle and hawk diet pills at the same time??

What are your thoughts on Jillian Michaels selling weight loss supplements??

A Day in the Life…

Hey everyone! Long time, no post! Life seems to have gotten in the way of my blogging hobby… Needless to say, I’m way overdue for a post!

I thought, since I’m so busy these days, I’d give you a glimpse into my day-to-day activities – a day in the life of Healthy Fit Mama!

When I accepted this new job, I worried about how I would fit everything into my day. I certainly didn’t want to give up my exercise, and I definitely didn’t want to fall into the convenience food trap. But I’ve since discovered that it is possible to fit everything in (well, except blogging, I guess :-(). It just take a bit of planning.

Here’s what a typical day looks like:

5:00am – Alarm goes off.

5:30am – I finally get out of bed, grab a cup of coffee (thank you coffee pot timer!) and start putting myself together – hair, makeup, etc.

6:00am – Make breakfast. I rotate through a few different breakfasts, but there is almost always eggs, a banana, and some nuts or nut butter involved.

1/2 cup of oatmeal, 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin, vanilla, pumpkin pie spice, raisins, and walnuts

1/2 cup of egg whites + 1 whole egg

6:15 or 6:30am – Baby wakes up. I change her, make her breakfast, and feed her.

7:45am – I leave for work. Luckily, I only live 4 miles from the office!

8:00am – Arrive at work and get down to business!

10:00am – Enjoy a morning snack. I always pack my snacks and lunch the night before. This keeps me from making unhealthy choices. It also keeps my wallet nice and healthy! 😀 Snack is usually a protein shake, a Z Bar, or a Larabar.

12:00pm – Eat my lunch. I always have an apple and a sandwich or a wrap of some sort, either turkey or almond butter and jelly.

3:00pm – Afternoon snack time! I usually pack some Greek yogurt – mixed with cocoa powder and stevia of course! Mmmm, chocolate mousse! I recently started making my own Greek yogurt too. So easy, and definitely a cost savings!

5:00pm – Pack up and head home.

5:15pm – Come home and greet my gorgeous baby girl and get to work on dinner. I’m a big fan of things that take very little prep time and can be thrown in the oven.

6:00pm – Eat dinner with the hubby and baby.

baked chicken and acorn squash

6:45pm – Start the evening wind-down/bedtime routine with baby. My husband and I altnerate nights putting her to bed, so sometimes I get to start my exercise around this time.

7:30pm – Put baby down for the night (she sleep allllll night long now!! :-D). Change into my workout gear and get my butt movin’! I alternate between doing a workout video in the kitchen (it’s the largest room in our new apartment!) and riding my Spinning bike, which is stashed in a tiny extra bedroom.

8:15pm – Watch a little TV and catch up with the hubby.

9:00pm – Make my lunch and set the coffee for the next day.

9:30pm – Shower.

10:00pm – Bed – finally!

In addition to my more structured exercise in the evening, I try to make sure I move as much as possible while I’m at work – using the restroom that upstairs instead of the one right outside my door, taking walks at lunchtime, walking across the building to talk to co-workers rather than e-mailing them (provided I have time, of course).

And there you have it!

To be perfectly honest, I had a couple breakdowns my first week of work, feeling so stressed about how to keep up with my marriage, motherhood, my job, my exercise… But I’ve quickly gotten into the groove and proved to myself that I can make it all work! It’s also been great for me though, because it’s made me realize that I am only human and if I honestly can’t fit in an organized sweat session one day, it’s ok. I’ll be back at it the next day. 🙂

First Visit with My Nephew

Good evening! Hope you all had a terrific Tuesday.

I think we successfully got baby back on schedule from the time change. She woke up at 6:40 this morning. I can handle that! For breakfast, I made a delicious almond butter/raisin/banana wrap along with some scrambled egg/egg whites.

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I spent the morning taking care of some moving-related tasks – making phone calls, etc. I feel like I just did this! This is our 4th move in 3 years. Wow.

I had a snack around 10 – Greek yogurt with stevia and cocoa powder. I’m back on a Greek yogurt kick… Does that make me insane? I keep eating it and expecting it not to bother my tummy. It hasn’t been too bad so far, though.

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I put baby down for her mid-day nap shortly before noon and took advantage of the time to make myself some lunch – turkey on a whole wheat sandwich thin with a tiny bit of light mayo, lettuce, and pickles.

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After baby woke up, we packed her up in the car and dropped her off at my dad’s house for a few hours so we could make the 1-hour trek to see my sister, brother-in-law, and my brand new nephew. I grabbed an apple and a few walnuts for the ride.

I won’t go into a lot of detail, but my nephew was born 5 weeks early and is in the neonatal ICU. Luckily, he is doing well, but he will be there for a few weeks. But let me tell you…he is a cutie! 😀

By the time we got back to my dad’s to pick up baby, it was 4 o’clock. And when we finally got home, it was 4:30. I was starving, so I inhaled a warm whole wheat tortilla while I prepared dinner, which was roasted acorn squash and chicken with Montreal seasoning.


It was hubby’s night to put baby to bed, so I headed down to the basement around 6:15 for a Physique 57 workout. It always feels good to get my workout done before 7:30 so I can relax and unwind for a while before bed.


I’ve been thinking a lot about how going back to work full-time is going to affect my daily eats. Even before I lost my job, I was home all day. I worked from home from July 2008 to June 2009. I didn’t have to plan my lunch and pack it the night before. When I used to work in the office, though, I did pack my lunch every night before bed. I tend to get stuck in a rut when I pack my lunch though, packing the same things day in and day out.

What is your favorite portable lunch?


I’m so excited! I just became an auntie tonight! My older sister had a baby boy. What a year for me – first child and first nephew! Yay!

Ok, let me back up….

Breakfast was eaten pretty darn early today. Poor baby has no idea we changed the clocks back. Or maybe it’s poor mommy…?

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oatmeal w/ banana, vanilla, cinnamon, raisins, and the last of the bag of walnuts

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1/2 cup of egg whites + 1 whole egg

We spent much of the morning going through some boxes. Our new apartment is much smaller than where we lived in Colorado, so we’re going to have to leave a few things behind. Who needs 25 pint glasses anyway?!

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Morning snack: plain Greek yogurt mixed with Stevia & cocoa powder, topped with a dollop of almond butter

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Lunch: roast chicken with light mayo and lettuce on a La Tortilla Factory whole wheat tortilla

A high school friend of ours came over in the afternoon to see the baby. We all played with her and just talked and caught up for a couple hours.

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Afternoon snack: Blueberry Z Bar

For some reason, I couldn’t think of anything that sounded good for dinner tonight. I was hungry early, thanks to the time change; so I just decided to make myself a protein shake for my dinner. It filled me up. but made me realize that I was severely lacking veggies today. Ooops.

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almond milk, NutriBiotic rice protein powder, and frozen mango

I got a really good workout in tonight – 45 minutes on my Spinning bike. I was in the zone! I love that! I was absolutely dripping sweat when I was done.

After that, I took a quick shower and settled in for Heroes…with another whole wheat tortilla for a snack! My workout took a lot out of me. My body was craving carbs!


I’m hoping to get over to the hospital tomorrow to see my sister and my brand new nephew! It’s already a busy week for me with the upcoming move and all, but I’m sure I can find time to go see the baby! 😉

Fussy Pants

Wow – I had one cranky baby on my hands today! Apparently when I changed her out of her jammies this morning, I must’ve put her fussy pants on! 😛 All joking aside, it made for one loooong day…

I was a zombie when I got up this morning. I fixed myself some breakfast with my eyes half open.

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Mmmmm, almond butter!!

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1 cup of Kashi Go Lean Crunch w/ unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze

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1/2 cup of egg whites + 1 whole egg

Nothing much to report from the morning… I just went out to the post office to mail some paperwork to my new place of employment.

I mixed up a special lunch for baby today and she LOVED it! It was pumpkin, apple, cinnamon, and yogurt. It tasted like pumpkin pie!

I was so busy trying to keep my fussy baby entertained that I let myself get way too hungry. I didn’t have much time to make anything though. Every time I put baby down she started screaming. So I whipped up a quick protein shake and a whole wheat tortilla with apple butter.

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1 cup of almond milk, 1 small banana, 2 tbs of NutriBiotic vanilla rice protein powder, 1 tbs of cocoa powder, 1 packet of stevia, ice

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Because I got overly hungry before lunch, I couldn’t seem to stay full in the afternoon. I snacked like crazy…

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Fiber One w/ almond milk

There were some chicken slices and a few walnuts in there somewhere too.

Dinner was something I haven’t made in a while – ground turkey taco salads. I had a super ripe avocado on hand, so I mashed up about 1/3 of it to put on my salad. The healthy fat makes this so much more filling!

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blurry pic...booo!

I worked out to Physique 57 tonight, but was interrupted at one point by baby… She ended the day the same way she began it – fussing!


Gotta jet – Grey’s Anatomy is on! I’ll leave you with this thought: the weekend is almost here!

Got any exciting plans this weekend??

Hubby and I are going to my favorite restaurant for dinner on Saturday to celebrate my new job! Woohoo!

Whole Foods vs. Trader Joe’s

I was up much later than usual last night, betweencarving pumpkins and celebrating my new job. So naturally I was exhausted when I got up this morning…and HUNGRY!

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1/2 cup of oat bran, 1 banana, vanilla, cinnamon, 1 tbs of ground flaxseed, raisins, walnuts

(I had 1/2 cup of egg whites + 1 whole egg, too, but my camera batteries died and I was too hungry to hunt down some batteries before eating!)

The hubby was home with me today and we spent most of the morning looking for an apartment online. I was on the laptop, he was on the desktop.

Around 11, I took a break from the computer and made a protein shake.

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3/4 cup of almond milk, 1/2 a banana, 2 tbs vanilla rice protein powder, cocoa powder, stevia, ice

After feeding baby her lunch, I made some lunch for myself.

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chicken salad made with light mayo, lettuce, and pickles on a whole wheat tortilla

Baby was pretty fussy today, which only added to my exhaustion. It was just one of those days when she needed to be entertained every second.

I needed a little snack late this afternoon to get me through to dinner.

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Dinner tonight couldn’t have been any easier! I cooked up some Gardein BBQ Pulled Shreds and put them on a toasted whole wheat sandwich thin, and paired it with steamed green beans.

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It was my turn to put baby to bed tonight. (We’re doing every other night now.) She was asleep in her crib by 6:40, so I scurried to the basement and cranked out 40 minutes on my Spinning bike.


Hubby and I are going to look at an apartment on Friday that sounds just perfect for us! One of the best parts – there’s a Whole Foods 1.1 miles away and a Trader Joe’s 1.3 miles away! I’ve been to Whole Foods (when we live in CO), but I have never been to TJ’s.

Have you been to Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s? Which do you like best? 


Let me jump right to the most exciting part of my day… I GOT THE JOB!! 😀 I am on cloud nine this evening. It’s going to be a crazy couple of weeks though because they want me to start on the 9th, so we have to find an apartment and get ourselves moved by then. Luckily we only partially unpacked when we got to NH in July.

Now I’ll back up to breakfast. I opted for some cold cereal this morning:

  • 1 cup of Fiber One
  • 1 sliced banana
  • raisins
  • walnuts
  • almonds

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And egg & egg whites of course.

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*Side note: You may notice my pictures are much clearer. I’m making an effort to improve my camera skills!

Around 11, I had a snack: plain greek yogurt mixed with stevia and cocoa powder.

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It was shortly thereafter that I got the call with the big news. I couldn’t have been more excited!

About an hour later, after I put baby down for a nap, I had some lunch – low sodium deli chicken with light mayo, lettuce, and pickles on a whole wheat tortilla.

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When baby woke up, I bundled her up and took her out to the store with me to grab a few things, including pumpkin carving kits!

By the time I got home, it was snacktime: protein shake.

  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • 2 tbs of brown rice protein powder
  • splash of vanilla
  • ~1/2 cup of frozen berries

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I may have also dipped a spoon into the almond butter jar. 😉

I spent the afternoon checking out apartments online and making phone calls. This is so exciting, yet nerve-racking at the same time!

Dinner was quick and easy – grilled chicken with Montreal seasoning and roasted acorn squash.

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Hubby put baby to bed while I hit the basement for some Physique 57.

Once I finished my workout it was time to celebrate the new job with a little bubbly!

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I was in the mood for a sweet treat so I had a chocolate brownie Z bar too.

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Hubby and I decided to carve our pumpkins tonight! I have never really like Halloween, but I love carving pumpkins! I used the pirate flag stencil, and hubby went for the ghost.

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And we toasted all the pumpkin seeds to snack on. Mmmmmm!!

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I have so much to do before I start my new job! I’m definitely more excited than nervous. I’m really excited about living in a new area too! This is our 3rd new state in 3 years!

Have you ever moved to a completely new area??